LEEP is a procedure in which a small area of the surface of the cervix is removed. This is to both treat and further evaluate abnormal cells as the tissue removed is examined thoroughly by a pathologist. Depending on the results further treatment or close follow-up will be recommended.
Endometrial biopsy is performed to sample the lining of the uterus if there is abnormal bleeding or concern for a thick lining seen on pelvic ultrasound. It is a brief procedure and the tissue is evaluated by the pathologist to determine further treatment options. Often this will be a part of a preoperative evaluation for abnormal uterine bleeding.
Vulvar or vaginal lesions are best treated and evaluated by sampling the area of concern. Some lesions can be completely removed and others only a sample is appropriate to guide further treatment . The area of concern is anesthetized using local anesthesia and usually the areas heal within 7-10 days.
Endometrial thermal ablation. Some individuals have heavy periods which affect lifestyle and quality of life. This simple procedure may treat their heavy flows until they transition into menopause. Since the technique is performed through the cervix and does not require an incision, the recovery usually requires only a few days to resume full activities.
In office procedures that require additional anesthesia are performed using an anesthesiologist to monitor you closely throughout the procedure.